Operational MRMS GRIB2 Tables

This information is current for MRMS Version 12.2.

NOTE: Downloadable User and Flag Tables have been moved to Github: https://github.com/NOAA-National-Severe-Storms-Laboratory/mrms-support (18 July 2024)

NOTE: All GRIB2 MRMS product filenames have "MRMS_" prepended. For example, "ReflectivityAtLowestAltitude" is actually "MRMS_ReflectivityAtLowestAltitude".

Below is an example filename pattern for MRMS data:


where "00.50" is the height of the field in kilometers and "20201012-183805" is the UTC time stamp [year][month][day]-[hour][minute][second]

Need to report an operational problem?

Originating Center: 161 (US NOAA Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research)
Subcenter: 0 (National Severe Storms Lab)
Discipline: 209

Download the data (.csv format): User Table | Flag Table

Discipline Category Parameter Name Frequency Unit Missing Range Folded No Coverage Description Notes
209 2 0 NLDN_CG_001min_AvgDensity 1-min flashes/km2/min -1 n/a -3 CG Average Lightning Density 1-min - NLDN was NLDN_CG_001min; ConUS only
209 2 1 NLDN_CG_005min_AvgDensity 1-min flashes/km2/min -1 n/a -3 CG Average Lightning Density 5-min - NLDN was NLDN_CG_005min; ConUS only
209 2 2 NLDN_CG_015min_AvgDensity 1-min flashes/km2/min -1 n/a -3 CG Average Lightning Density 15-min - NLDN was NLDN_CG_015min; ConUS only
209 2 3 NLDN_CG_030min_AvgDensity 1-min flashes/km2/min -1 n/a -3 CG Average Lightning Density 30-min - NLDN was NLDN_CG_030min; ConUS only
209 2 5 LightningProbabilityNext30minGrid 2-min % 0 n/a 0 Lightning Probability 0-30 minutes - NLDN ConUS Only
209 2 6 LightningProbabilityNext60minGrid 2-min % 0 n/a 0 Lightning Probability 0-30 minutes - NLDN ConUS Only
209 2 7 LightningJumpGrid 2-min non-dim -99900 n/a -99903 Rapid lightning increases and decreases ConUS Only
209 2 8 LightningJumpGrid_Max_005min 2-min non-dim -99900 n/a -99903 Rapid lightning increases and decreases over 5-minutes ConUS Only
209 3 0 MergedAzShear0to2kmAGL 2-min 0.001/s 0 0 0 Azimuth Shear 0-2km AGL no Alaska product
209 3 1 MergedAzShear3to6kmAGL 2-min 0.001/s 0 0 0 Azimuth Shear 3-6km AGL no Alaska product
209 3 2 RotationTrack30min 2-min 0.001/s 0 n/a 0 Rotation Track 0-2km AGL 30-min no Alaska product
209 3 3 RotationTrack60min 2-min 0.001/s 0 n/a 0 Rotation Track 0-2km AGL 60-min no Alaska product
209 3 4 RotationTrack120min 30-min 0.001/s 0 n/a 0 Rotation Track 0-2km AGL 120-min no Alaska product
209 3 5 RotationTrack240min 30-min 0.001/s 0 n/a 0 Rotation Track 0-2km AGL 240-min no Alaska product
209 3 6 RotationTrack360min 30-min 0.001/s 0 n/a 0 Rotation Track 0-2km AGL 360-min no Alaska product
209 3 7 RotationTrack1440min 30-min 0.001/s 0 n/a 0 Rotation Track 0-2km AGL 1440-min no Alaska product
209 3 14 RotationTrackML30min 2-min 0.001/s 0 n/a 0 Rotation Track 3-6km AGL 30-min no Alaska product
209 3 15 RotationTrackML60min 2-min 0.001/s 0 n/a 0 Rotation Track 3-6km AGL 60-min no Alaska product
209 3 16 RotationTrackML120min 30-min 0.001/s 0 n/a 0 Rotation Track 3-6km AGL 120-min no Alaska product
209 3 17 RotationTrackML240min 30-min 0.001/s 0 n/a 0 Rotation Track 3-6km AGL 240-min no Alaska product
209 3 18 RotationTrackML360min 30-min 0.001/s 0 n/a 0 Rotation Track 3-6km AGL 360-min no Alaska product
209 3 19 RotationTrackML1440min 30-min 0.001/s 0 n/a 0 Rotation Track 3-6km AGL 1440-min no Alaska product
209 3 26 SHI 2-min index -1 n/a -3 Severe Hail Index
209 3 27 POSH 2-min % -1 n/a -3 Prob of Severe Hail
209 3 28 MESH 2-min mm -1 n/a -3 Maximum Estimated Size of Hail (MESH)
209 3 29 MESHMax30min 2-min mm -1 n/a -3 MESH Hail Swath 30-min
209 3 30 MESHMax60min 2-min mm -1 n/a -3 MESH Hail Swath 60-min
209 3 31 MESHMax120min 30-min mm -1 n/a -3 MESH Hail Swath 120-min
209 3 32 MESHMax240min 30-min mm -1 n/a -3 MESH Hail Swath 240-min
209 3 33 MESHMax360min 30-min mm -1 n/a -3 MESH Hail Swath 360-min
209 3 34 MESHMax1440min 30-min mm -1 n/a -3 MESH Hail Swath 1440-min
209 3 37 VIL_Max_120min 30-min kg/m2 -1 n/a -3 VIL Swath 120-min
209 3 40 VIL_Max_1440min 30-min kg/m2 -1 n/a -3 VIL Swath 1440-min
209 3 41 VIL 2-min kg/m2 -1 n/a -3 Vertically Integrated Liquid
209 3 42 VIL_Density 2-min g/m3 -1 n/a -3 Vertically Integrated Liquid Density
209 3 43 VII 2-min kg/m2 -1 n/a -3 Vertically Integrated Ice
209 3 44 EchoTop_18 2-min km MSL -1 n/a -3 Echo Top - 18 dBZ
209 3 45 EchoTop_30 2-min km MSL -1 n/a -3 Echo Top - 30 dBZ
209 3 46 EchoTop_50 2-min km MSL -1 n/a -3 Echo Top - 50 dBZ
209 3 47 EchoTop_60 2-min km MSL -1 n/a -3 Echo Top - 60 dBZ
209 3 48 H50AboveM20C 2-min km -99 n/a -999 Thickness [50 dBZ top - (-20C)]
209 3 49 H50Above0C 2-min km -99 n/a -999 Thickness [50 dBZ top - 0C]
209 3 50 H60AboveM20C 2-min km -99 n/a -999 Thickness [60 dBZ top - (-20C)]
209 3 51 H60Above0C 2-min km -99 n/a -999 Thickness [60 dBZ top - 0C]
209 3 52 Reflectivity_0C 2-min dBZ -99 n/a -999 Isothermal Reflectivity at 0C
209 3 53 Reflectivity_-5C 2-min dBZ -99 n/a -999 Isothermal Reflectivity at -5C
209 3 54 Reflectivity_-10C 2-min dBZ -99 n/a -999 Isothermal Reflectivity at -10C
209 3 55 Reflectivity_-15C 2-min dBZ -99 n/a -999 Isothermal Reflectivity at -15C
209 3 56 Reflectivity_-20C 2-min dBZ -99 n/a -999 Isothermal Reflectivity at -20C
209 3 57 ReflectivityAtLowestAltitude 2-min dBZ -99 n/a -999 ReflectivityAtLowestAltitude
209 3 57 ReflectivityAtLowestAltitude5km 2-min dBZ -99 n/a -999 ReflectivityAtLowestAltitude resampled from 1 to 5km resolution ConUS only - removed at v12.1
209 3 58 MergedReflectivityAtLowestAltitude 2-min dBZ -99 n/a -999 Non Quality Controlled Reflectivity At Lowest Altitude
209 6 0 PrecipFlag 2-min flag -1 n/a -3 Surface Precipitation Type (Convective, Stratiform, Tropical, Hail, Snow) see flag table
209 6 1 PrecipRate 2-min mm/hr -1 n/a -3 Radar Precipitation Rate
209 6 2 RadarOnly_QPE_01H 2-min mm -1 n/a -3 Radar precipitation accumulation 1-hour
209 6 3 RadarOnly_QPE_03H 60-min mm -1 n/a -3 Radar precipitation accumulation 3-hour
209 6 4 RadarOnly_QPE_06H 60-min mm -1 n/a -3 Radar precipitation accumulation 6-hour
209 6 5 RadarOnly_QPE_12H 60-min mm -1 n/a -3 Radar precipitation accumulation 12-hour
209 6 6 RadarOnly_QPE_24H 60-min mm -1 n/a -3 Radar precipitation accumulation 24-hour
209 6 7 RadarOnly_QPE_48H 60-min mm -1 n/a -3 Radar precipitation accumulation 48-hour
209 6 8 RadarOnly_QPE_72H 60-min mm -1 n/a -3 Radar precipitation accumulation 72-hour
209 6 30 MultiSensor_QPE_01H_Pass1 60-min mm -1 n/a -3 Multi-sensor accumulation 1-hour (1-hour latency)
209 6 31 MultiSensor_QPE_03H_Pass1 60-min mm -1 n/a -3 Multi-sensor accumulation 3-hour (1-hour latency)
209 6 32 MultiSensor_QPE_06H_Pass1 60-min mm -1 n/a -3 Multi-sensor accumulation 6-hour (1-hour latency)
209 6 33 MultiSensor_QPE_12H_Pass1 60-min mm -1 n/a -3 Multi-sensor accumulation 12-hour (1-hour latency)
209 6 34 MultiSensor_QPE_24H_Pass1 60-min mm -1 n/a -3 Multi-sensor accumulation 24-hour (1-hour latency)
209 6 35 MultiSensor_QPE_48H_Pass1 60-min mm -1 n/a -3 Multi-sensor accumulation 48-hour (1-hour latency)
209 6 36 MultiSensor_QPE_72H_Pass1 60-min mm -1 n/a -3 Multi-sensor accumulation 72-hour (1-hour latency)
209 6 37 MultiSensor_QPE_01H_Pass2 60-min mm -1 n/a -3 Multi-sensor accumulation 1-hour (2-hour latency)
209 6 38 MultiSensor_QPE_03H_Pass2 60-min mm -1 n/a -3 Multi-sensor accumulation 3-hour (2-hour latency)
209 6 39 MultiSensor_QPE_06H_Pass2 60-min mm -1 n/a -3 Multi-sensor accumulation 6-hour (2-hour latency)
209 6 40 MultiSensor_QPE_12H_Pass2 60-min mm -1 n/a -3 Multi-sensor accumulation 12-hour (2-hour latency)
209 6 41 MultiSensor_QPE_24H_Pass2 60-min mm -1 n/a -3 Multi-sensor accumulation 24-hour (2-hour latency)
209 6 42 MultiSensor_QPE_48H_Pass2 60-min mm -1 n/a -3 Multi-sensor accumulation 48-hour (2-hour latency)
209 6 43 MultiSensor_QPE_72H_Pass2 60-min mm -1 n/a -3 Multi-sensor accumulation 72-hour (2-hour latency)
209 6 44 SyntheticPrecipRateID 2-min flag -1 n/a -3 Method IDs for blended single and dual-pol derived precip rates
209 6 45 RadarOnly_QPE_15M 15-min mm -1 n/a -3 Radar precipitation accumulation 15-minute
209 6 46 RadarOnly_QPE_Since12Z 60-min mm -1 n/a -3 Radar precipitation accumulation since 12Z
209 7 0 Model_SurfaceTemp 60-min C -99 n/a -999 Model Surface temperature
209 7 1 Model_WetBulbTemp 60-min C -99 n/a -999 Model Surface wet bulb temperature
209 7 2 WarmRainProbability 60-min % -1 n/a -3 Probability of warm rain
209 7 3 Model_0degC_Height 60-min m MSL -1 n/a -3 Model Freezing Level Height
209 7 4 BrightBandTopHeight 2-min m AGL -1 n/a -3 Brightband Top Height
209 7 5 BrightBandBottomHeight 2-min m AGL -1 n/a -3 Brightband Bottom Height
209 8 0 RadarQualityIndex 2-min non-dim -1 n/a -3 Radar Quality Index
209 8 1 GaugeInflIndex_01H_Pass1 60-min non-dim -1 n/a -3 Gauge Influence Index for 1-hour QPE (1-hour latency) was GaugeInflIndex_01H prior to v12.0
209 8 2 GaugeInflIndex_03H_Pass1 60-min non-dim -1 n/a -3 Gauge Influence Index for 3-hour QPE (1-hour latency) was GaugeInflIndex_03H prior to v12.0
209 8 3 GaugeInflIndex_06H_Pass1 60-min non-dim -1 n/a -3 Gauge Influence Index for 6-hour QPE (1-hour latency) was GaugeInflIndex_06H prior to v12.0
209 8 4 GaugeInflIndex_12H_Pass1 60-min non-dim -1 n/a -3 Gauge Influence Index for 12-hour QPE (1-hour latency) was GaugeInflIndex_12H prior to v12.0
209 8 5 GaugeInflIndex_24H_Pass1 60-min non-dim -1 n/a -3 Gauge Influence Index for 24-hour QPE (1-hour latency) was GaugeInflIndex_24H prior to v12.0
209 8 6 GaugeInflIndex_48H_Pass1 60-min non-dim -1 n/a -3 Gauge Influence Index for 48-hour QPE (1-hour latency) was GaugeInflIndex_48H prior to v12.0
209 8 7 GaugeInflIndex_72H_Pass1 60-min non-dim -1 n/a -3 Gauge Influence Index for 72-hour QPE (1-hour latency) was GaugeInflIndex_72H prior to v12.0
209 8 8 SeamlessHSR 2-min dBZ -99 n/a -999 Seamless Hybrid Scan Reflectivity with VPR correction
209 8 9 SeamlessHSRHeight 2-min km AGL -1 n/a -3 Height of Seamless Hybrid Scan Reflectivity
209 8 10 RadarAccumulationQualityIndex_01H 60-min non-dim -1 n/a -3 Radar 1-hour QPE Accumulation Quality
209 8 11 RadarAccumulationQualityIndex_03H 60-min non-dim -1 n/a -3 Radar 3-hour QPE Accumulation Quality
209 8 12 RadarAccumulationQualityIndex_06H 60-min non-dim -1 n/a -3 Radar 6-hour QPE Accumulation Quality
209 8 13 RadarAccumulationQualityIndex_12H 60-min non-dim -1 n/a -3 Radar 12-hour QPE Accumulation Quality
209 8 14 RadarAccumulationQualityIndex_24H 60-min non-dim -1 n/a -3 Radar 24-hour QPE Accumulation Quality
209 8 15 RadarAccumulationQualityIndex_48H 60-min non-dim -1 n/a -3 Radar 48-hour QPE Accumulation Quality
209 8 16 RadarAccumulationQualityIndex_72H 60-min non-dim -1 n/a -3 Radar 72-hour QPE Accumulation Quality
209 8 17 GaugeInflIndex_01H_Pass2 60-min non-dim -1 n/a -3 Gauge Influence Index for 1-hour QPE (2-hour latency)
209 8 18 GaugeInflIndex_03H_Pass2 60-min non-dim -1 n/a -3 Gauge Influence Index for 3-hour QPE (2-hour latency)
209 8 19 GaugeInflIndex_06H_Pass2 60-min non-dim -1 n/a -3 Gauge Influence Index for 6-hour QPE (2-hour latency)
209 8 20 GaugeInflIndex_12H_Pass2 60-min non-dim -1 n/a -3 Gauge Influence Index for 12-hour QPE (2-hour latency)
209 8 21 GaugeInflIndex_24H_Pass2 60-min non-dim -1 n/a -3 Gauge Influence Index for 24-hour QPE (2-hour latency)
209 8 22 GaugeInflIndex_48H_Pass2 60-min non-dim -1 n/a -3 Gauge Influence Index for 48-hour QPE (2-hour latency)
209 8 23 GaugeInflIndex_72H_Pass2 60-min non-dim -1 n/a -3 Gauge Influence Index for 72-hour QPE (2-hour latency)
209 9 0 MergedReflectivityQC 2-min dBZ -99 n/a -999 3D Reflectivty Mosaic - 33 CAPPIS (500-19000m) 33 levels (one file per level)
209 9 3 MergedRhoHV 5-min non-dim -99 n/a -999 3D RhoHV Mosaic - 33 CAPPIS (500-19000m) 33 levels (one file per level), ConUS only
209 9 4 MergedZdr 5-min dB -99 n/a -999 3D Zdr Mosaic - 33 CAPPIS (500-19000m) 33 levels (one file per level), ConUS only
209 10 0 MergedReflectivityQCComposite 2-min dBZ -99 n/a -999 Composite Reflectivity Mosaic (optimal method)
209 10 0 MergedReflectivityQCComposite5km 2-min dBZ -99 n/a -999 Composite Reflectivity Mosaic (optimal method) resampled from 1 to 5km ConUS only - removed at v12.1
209 10 1 HeightCompositeReflectivity 2-min m MSL -1 n/a -3 Height of Composite Reflectivity Mosaic (optimal method)
209 10 2 LowLevelCompositeReflectivity 2-min dBZ -99 n/a -999 Low-Level Composite Reflectivity Mosaic (0-4km)
209 10 3 HeightLowLevelCompositeReflectivity 2-min m MSL -1 n/a -3 Height of Low-Level Composite Reflectivity Mosaic (0-4km)
209 10 4 LayerCompositeReflectivity_Low 2-min dBZ -99 n/a -999 Layer Composite Reflectivity Mosaic 0-24kft (low altitude)
209 10 5 LayerCompositeReflectivity_High 2-min dBZ -99 n/a -999 Layer Composite Reflectivity Mosaic 24-60 kft (highest altitude)
209 10 6 LayerCompositeReflectivity_Super 2-min dBZ -99 n/a -999 Layer Composite Reflectivity Mosaic 33-60 kft (super high altitude)
209 10 7 CREF_1HR_MAX 60-min dBZ -99 n/a -999 Composite Reflectivity Hourly Maximum
209 10 9 LayerCompositeReflectivity_ANC 2-min dBZ -99 n/a -999 Layer Composite Reflectivity Mosaic (2-4.5km) (for ANC) ConUS only
209 10 10 BREF_1HR_MAX 60-min dBZ -99 n/a -999 Base Reflectivity Hourly Maximum
209 11 0 MergedBaseReflectivityQC 2-min dBZ -99 n/a -999 Base Reflectivity Mosaic (optimal method)
209 11 1 MergedReflectivityComposite 2-min dBZ -99 n/a -999 Raw Composite Reflectivity Mosaic (max ref)
209 11 2 MergedReflectivityQComposite 2-min dBZ -99 n/a -999 Composite Reflectivity Mosaic (max ref)
209 11 3 MergedBaseReflectivity 2-min dBZ -99 n/a -999 Raw Base Reflectivity Mosaic (optimal method)
209 12 0 FLASH_CREST_MAXUNITSTREAMFLOW 10-min m3/s/km2 -9999 n/a -9999 FLASH QPE-CREST Unit Streamflow
209 12 1 FLASH_CREST_MAXSTREAMFLOW 10-min m3/s -9999 n/a -9999 FLASH QPE-CREST Streamflow
209 12 2 FLASH_CREST_MAXSOILSAT 10-min % -9999 n/a -9999 FLASH QPE-CREST Soil Saturation
209 12 4 FLASH_SAC_MAXUNITSTREAMFLOW 10-min m3/s/km2 -9999 n/a -9999 FLASH QPE-SAC Unit Streamflow
209 12 5 FLASH_SAC_MAXSTREAMFLOW 10-min m3/s -9999 n/a -9999 FLASH QPE-SAC Streamflow
209 12 6 FLASH_SAC_MAXSOILSAT 10-min % -9999 n/a -9999 FLASH QPE-SAC Soil Saturation
209 12 14 FLASH_QPE_ARI30M 2-min years -999 n/a -999 FLASH QPE Average Recurrence Interval 30-min
209 12 15 FLASH_QPE_ARI01H 2-min years -999 n/a -999 FLASH QPE Average Recurrence Interval 01H
209 12 16 FLASH_QPE_ARI03H 2-min years -999 n/a -999 FLASH QPE Average Recurrence Interval 03H
209 12 17 FLASH_QPE_ARI06H 2-min years -999 n/a -999 FLASH QPE Average Recurrence Interval 06H
209 12 18 FLASH_QPE_ARI12H 2-min years -999 n/a -999 FLASH QPE Average Recurrence Interval 12H
209 12 19 FLASH_QPE_ARI24H 2-min years -999 n/a -999 FLASH QPE Average Recurrence Interval 24H
209 12 20 FLASH_QPE_ARIMAX 2-min years -999 n/a -999 FLASH QPE Average Recurrence Interval Maximum
209 12 26 FLASH_QPE_FFG01H 2-min non-dim -999 n/a -999 FLASH QPE-to-FFG Ratio 01H no Alaska product
209 12 27 FLASH_QPE_FFG03H 2-min non-dim -999 n/a -999 FLASH QPE-to-FFG Ratio 03H no Alaska product
209 12 28 FLASH_QPE_FFG06H 2-min non-dim -999 n/a -999 FLASH QPE-to-FFG Ratio 06H no Alaska product
209 12 29 FLASH_QPE_FFGMAX 2-min non-dim -999 n/a -999 FLASH QPE-to-FFG Ratio Maximum no Alaska product
209 12 39 FLASH_HP_MAXUNITSTREAMFLOW 10-min m3/s/km2 -9999 n/a -9999 FLASH QPE-Hydrophobic Unit Streamflow
209 12 40 FLASH_HP_MAXSTREAMFLOW 10-min m3/s -9999 n/a -9999 FLASH QPE-Hydrophobic Streamflow
209 13 0 ANC_ConvectiveLikelihood 10-min non-dim 0 n/a 0 Likelihood of convection over the next 01H ConUS only
Discontinued Sept. 2023
209 13 1 ANC_FinalForecast 10-min dBZ 0 n/a 0 01H reflectivity forecast ConUS only
Discontinued Sept. 2023
209 14 0 LVL3_HREET 2-min kft -1 n/a -3 Level III High Resolution Enhanced Echo Top mosaic ConUS only
209 14 1 LVL3_HighResVIL 2-min kg/m2 -1 n/a -3 Level III High Resouion VIL mosaic ConUS only
Not GRIB2 n/a n/a CONVECTPROB (ASCII) 2-min n/a n/a n/a n/a Prob Severe v1 ConUS only
Not GRIB2 n/a n/a PROBSEVERE (JSON) 2-min n/a n/a n/a n/a Prob Severe v2 ConUS only

For more information, please contact Carrie Langston.