Alphabetical Bibliography on Safety and Demographics of Lightning Victims

Bibliography on

Safety and Demographics of Lightning Victims

This bibliography includes papers published in English about lightning safety for people, and the demographics of people who have become victims of lightning. The list includes papers over 100 years old, and includes papers from around the world. The listing organizes papers by author. Within an author's list of publications, papers are ordered by year, then by number and names of co-authors, then by titles of papers.

Ron Holle
National Severe Storms Laboratory
1313 Halley Circle
Norman, OK 73069
(405) 366-0516

29 February 2000

Andrews, G. Berger, N. Floret, T. Ishikawa, N. Kitagawa, and M. Ohashi, 1996: International safety and rescue guide against lightning hazards. Proceedings, 23rd International Conference on Lightning Protection, September 23-27, Florence, Italy, 738-743.

-, -, -, -, -, and -, 1997: International safety and rescue guide against lightning hazards. Proceedings, Lightning and Mountains '97, June 1-5, Chamonix Mont-Blanc, France, 211.

Baker, T., 1984: Lightning deaths in Great Britain and Ireland. Weather, 40, 232-234.

Bennett, B.L., 1997: A model lightning safety policy for athletics. Journal of Athletic Training, 32, 251-253.

-, R.L. Holle, and R.E. López, 1997: Lightning safety. 1997-98 NCAA Sports Medicine Handbook, Ninth Edition, M. Benson, Editor, National Collegiate Athletic Association, Overland Park, KS, 12-14.

-, R.L. Holle, and R.E. López, 1998: Lightning safety. 1998-99 NCAA Sports Medicine Handbook, Ninth Edition, M. Earle, Editor, National Collegiate Athletic Association, Overland Park, KS, 12-14.

Bosson, R., and P. Waldner, 1997: Lightning and refuges. Proceedings, Lightning and Mountains '97, June 1-5, Chamonix Mont-Blanc, France, 313-314.

Chao, T.C., J.E. Pakiam, and J. Chia, 1981: A study of lightning deaths in Singapore. Singapore Medical Journal, 22, 150.

Cherington, M., D.W. Breed, P.R. Yarnell, and W.E. Smith, 1998: Lightning injuries during snowy conditions. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 32, 333-335 ['Commentary' by H.J. Ten Duis also on page 335].

-, M., J. Walker, M. Boyson, R. Glancy, H. Hedegaard, and S. Clark, 1999: Closing the gap on the actual numbers of lightning casualties and deaths. Preprints, 11th Conference on Applied Climatology, January 10-15, Dallas, TX, American Meteorological Society, Boston, 379-380.

Chitauro, J.J., 1990: Welcoming speech. Discussion Section, The First All-Africa International Symposium on Lightning, April 30-May 4, Harare, Zimbabwe, 4 pp.

Coates, L., R. Blong, and F. Siciliano, 1993: Lightning fatalities in Australia, 1824-1993. Natural Hazards, 8, 217-233.

Cox, C.C., 1999: A comparison of horizontal cloud-to-ground lightning flash distance using weather surveillance radar and the distance between successive flashes method. M.S. Thesis, AFITT/GM/ENP/99M-03, Dept. of Engineering Physics, Air Force Institute of Technology, 130 pp. [Available from Air Force Institute of Technology, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH 45433].

Curran, E.B., R.L. Holle, and R.E. López, 1995: Lightning casualty and damage climatology for the United States 1959-1990. Preprints, 9th Conference on Applied Climatology, 15-20 January, Dallas, TX, American Meteorological Society, Boston, 289-294.

-, -, and -, 1997: Lightning fatalities, injuries, and damage reports in the United States from 1959-1994. NOAA Tech. Memo. NWS SR-193, 64 pp. [Available from Southern Region, National Weather Service, 819 Taylor St., Ft. Worth, TX 76102].

Darveniza, M., D. Mackerras, R. Watson, and S. Wright, 1998: Portable personal lightning protection. Proceedings, 24th International Conference on Lightning Protection, September 14-18, Birmingham, United Kingdom, Staffordshire University, 820-825.

Duclos, P.J., and L.M. Sanderson, 1990: An epidemiological description of lightning-related deaths in the United States. International Journal of Epidemiology, 19, 673-679.

-, -, and K.C. Klontz, 1990: Lightning-related mortality and morbidity in Florida. Public Health Reports, 105, 276-282.

Elsom, D.M., 1993: Deaths caused by lightning in England and Wales, 1852-1990. Weather, 48, 83-90.

Ferrett, R.L. and C.F. Ojala, 1992: The lightning hazard in Michigan. Michigan Academician, 24, 427-441.

Golde, R.H., 1975: Lightning protection. Chemical Publishing Co., Inc., New York, 220 pp.

-, and W.R. Lee, 1976: Death by lightning. Proceedings of the Institute of Electrical Engineers, 123, 1163-1180.

Geldenhuys, H.J., A.J. Eriksson et al., 1985: Research into lightning related incidents in shallow South African coal mines. Proceedings, 21st International Conference on Safety in Mines Research, Sidney, Australia, 775-782.

Gourbičre, E., J. Lambrozo, C. Virenque, P. Menthonnex, and J. Cabane, 1997: "Lightning injured people in France" the first French national inquiry with regard to the striking of people - objectives, methods, first results. Proceedings, Conference on Lightning and Mountains '97, Chamonix Mont-Blanc, France, M71-M83.

-, 1998: Lightning injury to human beings in France. Proceedings, 24th International Conference on Lightning Protection, September 14-18, Birmingham, United Kingdom, Staffordshire University, 814-819.

-, 1999: Lightning injuries to humans in France. Proceedings, 11th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, June 7-11, Guntersville, AL, NASA/CPP-1999-209261, 214-217.

Holle, R.L., R.E. López, R. Ortiz, A.I. Watson, D.L. Smith, D.M. Decker, and C.H. Paxton, 1992: Cloud-to-ground lightning related to deaths, injuries, and property damage in central Florida. Proceedings, International Aerospace and Ground Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity, Atlantic City, NJ, 66-1 to 66-11.

-, -, -, C.H. Paxton, D.M. Decker, and D.L. Smith, 1993: The local meteorological environment of lightning casualties in central Florida. Preprints, 17th Conference on Severe Local Storms and Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, St. Louis, MO, American Meteorological Society, Boston, 779-784.

-, -, L.J. Arnold, and J. Endres, 1995: Insured property damage due to lightning in three western US states. Proceedings, 1995 International Aerospace and Ground Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity, September 26-28, Williamsburg, VA, U.S. Navy Report NAWCADPAX--95-306-PRO, 55-1-55-10.

-, -, -, and -, 1995: Insured property damage from lightning in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL NSSL-104, Norman, OK, 47 pp.

-, -, K.W. Howard, R.J. Vavrek, and J. Allsopp, 1995: Lightning hazard education. Preprints, 4th Symposium on Education, 15-20 January, Dallas, TX, American Meteorological Society, Boston, 96-99.

-, -, -, -, and -, 1995: Lightning hazard education. The Earth Scientist, National Earth Science Teachers Association, 12, 19-23.

-, -, -, -, and -, 1995: Lightning hazard education. The Hoosier Science Teacher, 20, 112-118.

-, -, -, -, and -, 1995: Lightning hazard education. Spectrum, Illinois Science Teachers Association, 21, 9-12.

-, -, -, -, and -, 1995: Proactive measures for the reduction of lightning deaths and injuries. Transactions, 16th Annual Meeting of the Society for Physical Regulation in Biology and Medicine, October 10-12, Chicago, IL, 82-83.

-, -, L.J. Arnold, and J. Endres, 1996: Insured lightning-caused property damage in three western states. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 35, 1344-1351.

-, -, R.J. Vavrek, and J. Allsopp, 1997: Newspaper accounts of lightning from 1891 to 1895. The Earth Scientist, National Earth Science Teachers Association, 14, 20-22.

-, -, L.J. Arnold, J. Endres, and E.P. Krider, 1997: Insured property damage due to lightning in the United States. Proceedings, Lightning and Mountains '97, June 1-5, Chamonix Mont-Blanc, France, 223-228.

-, -, -, -, and -, 1997: Insured property damage due to lightning in the United States. National Weather Service Western Region Technical Attachment No. 97-20, June 17, 14 pp. [Available from Western Region, National Weather Service, 125 South State St., Salt Lake City, UT 84138].

-, and -, 1998: Lightning - Impacts and safety. Bulletin of the World Meteorological Society, 47, 148-155.

-, -, R.J. Vavrek, and K.W. Howard, 1998: Educating individuals about lightning. Preprints, 7th Symposium on Education, January 11-16, Phoenix, AZ, American Meteorological Society, Boston, 27-30.

-, -, and E.B. Curran, 1999: Distributions of lightning-caused casualties and damages since 1959 in the United States. Preprints, 11th Conference on Applied Climatology, January 10-15, Dallas, TX, American Meteorological Society, Boston, 363-370.

-, -, and E.B. Curran, 1999: Demographics of U.S. lightning casualties and damages from 1959-1994. Proceedings, 11th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, June 7-11, Guntersville, AL, NASA/CPP-1999-209261, 200-203.

-, -, and C. Zimmermann, 1999: Updated recommendations for lightning safety-1998. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 80, 2035-2041. Hornstein, R.A., 1961: Lightning deaths and damage in Canada. Meteorological Branch, Dept. of Transport, Canada, CIR-34529, TEC-3493, 6 Feb. 1961, 10 pp.

-, 1962: Canadian lightning deaths and damage. Meteorological Branch, Dept. of Transport, Canada, CIR-3719, TEC-423, 11 Sept. 1962, 5 pp.

Howard, K.W., and R.L. Holle, 1994: Lightning Danger! U.S. Department of Commerce, Environmental Research Laboratories, National Severe Storms Laboratory, Norman, OK, 1 pp. poster.

-, and -, 1995: ˇPeligro de rayos! U.S. Department of Commerce, Environmental Research Laboratories, National Severe Storms Laboratory, Norman, OK, 1 pp. poster.

Howard, K.W., R.L. Holle, and R.E. López, 1998: Lightning Danger! U.S. Department of Commerce, Environmental Research Laboratories, National Severe Storms Laboratory, 1 pp. poster.

Kithil, R, 1998: Lightning death and injuries at a military airfield: A case study. Proceedings, 24th International Conference on Lightning Protection, September 14-18, Birmingham, United Kingdom, Staffordshire University, 852-855.

-, 1998: Why not start a national lightning safety institute in your country? Proceedings, 24th International Conference on Lightning Protection, September 14-18, Birmingham, United Kingdom, Staffordshire University, 993-995.

Kitigawa, N., et al., 1990: Safety guide against lightning hazards. 20th International Conference on Lightning Protection, Interlaken, Switzerland, September 24-28.

-, M. Ohashi, and T. Ishikawa, 1990: Safety guide against lightning hazards. Research Letters in Atmospheric Electricity, 10, 37-44. -, A. Sugita, and S. Takahashi, 1999: The two important characteristics of ground flashes for the human safety. Proceedings, 11th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, June 7-11, Guntersville, AL, NASA/CPP-1999-209261, 207-210.

Kretzer, H.F., 1895: Lightning record: A book of reference and information. Volume I. St. Louis, MO, 106 pp.

Langley, R.L., M.A. Dunn, and J.D. Esinhart, 1991: Lightning fatalities in North Carolina 1972-1988. North Carolina. Medical Journal, 52, 281-284.

López, R.E., and R.L. Holle, T.A. Heitkamp, M. Boyson, M. Cherington, and K. Langford, 1993: The underreporting of lightning injuries and deaths in Colorado. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 74, 2171-2178.

-, R.L. Holle, and T.A. Heitkamp, 1994: Deaths, injuries, and property damage due to lightning in Colorado from 1950 to 1991 based on Storm Data. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL NSSL-103, Norman, OK, 45 pp.

-, and -, 1995: Demographics of lightning casualties. Seminars in Neurology, 15, 286-295.

-, -, and T.A. Heitkamp, 1995: Lightning casualties and property damage in Colorado from 1950 to 1991 based on Storm Data. Weather and Forecasting, 10, 114-126.

-, -, and R.M. Passi, 1995: Recent trends in the number of lightning deaths and injuries in the United States. Proceedings, International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity, September 26-28, Williamsburg, VA, U.S. Navy Report NAWCADPAX--95-306-PRO, 45-1-45-10.

-, and -, 1996: Fluctuations of lightning casualties in the United States: 1959-1990. Journal of Climate, 9, 608-615.

-, and -, 1997: Long-term changes in lightning casualties in the United States. Proceedings, Lightning and Mountains '97, June 1-5, Chamonix Mont-Blanc, France, 219-222.

-, and -, 1997: Long-term changes in lightning casualties. Abstracts, URSI/IEEE International Scientific Meeting on Electromagnetics in Medicine 1997, November 3-5, Chicago, IL, 83.

-, and -, 1998: Changes in the number of lightning deaths in the United States during the twentieth century. Journal of Climate, 11, 2070-2077.

-, and -, 1999: Climate related trends in the number of lightning deaths during the twentieth century. Preprints, 11th Conference on Applied Climatology, January 10-15, Dallas, TX, American Meteorological Society, Boston, 371-378.

Mogil, H.M., M. Rush, and M. Kutka, 1977: Lightning---An update. Preprints, 10th Conference on Severe Local Storms, Omaha, NE, American Meteorological Society, Boston, 226-230.

-, 1979: Lightning in 1978. Weatherwise, 32, 17-20. -, and J.L. Campbell, 1980: Update on lightning. Weatherwise, 33, 36-37.

Murphy, M.J., and K.L. Cummins, 2000: Early detection and warning of cloud-to-ground lightning at a point of interest. Preprints, 2nd Symposium on Environmental Applications, January 9-14, Long Beach, California, 172-177.

Nizamuddin, S., 1992: Deaths caused by lightning in India. Weather, 47, 366-367. Orville, R.E., and A.C. Silver, 1997: Lightning ground flash density in the contiguous United States: 1992-95. Monthly Weather Review, 125, 631-638.

Pakiam, J.E., T.C. Chao, and J. Chia, 1981: Lightning fatalities in Singapore. The Meteorological Magazine, 110, 175-187.

Parsons, T.L., G.R. Huffines, and C.C. Cox, 2000: Distance criteria for safe operations when lightning is present. Preprints, 2nd Symposium on Environmental Applications, January 9-14, Long Beach, California, 50-52.

Paxton, C.H., and R.F. Morales Jr., 1997: Florida lightning victims during 1996. National Weather Service Southern Region report SR/SSD 97-34, 5 pp. [Available from Southern Region, National Weather Service, 819 Taylor St., Ft. Worth, TX 76102].

Prentice, S.A., 1973: Death by lightning. Medical Journal of Australia, 2, 252. Primeau, M., G.H. Engelstatter, and K.K. Bares, 1995: Behavioral consequences of lightning and electrical injury. Seminars in Neurology, 15, 279-285.

Scaravaggi, M., and U. Lazzarini, 1998: Lightning protection of personnel performing civil and mechanical works during the installation of gas pipelines in rocky tunnels. Proceedings, 24th International Conference on Lightning Protection, September 14-18, Birmingham, United Kingdom, Staffordshire University, 864-867.

Shearman, K.M., and C.F. Ojala, 1999: Some causes for lightning data inaccuracies: The case of Michigan. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 80, 1883-1891. State Climatologist, 1967: Lightning fatalities and injuries in Michigan 1897-1966. U.S. Department of Commerce, Environmental Science Services Administration, CI Series No. 2, 12 pp.

Szczerbinski, M., 1998: Numerical estimation of lightning hazard to humans during outdoor activity. Proceedings, 24th International Conference on Lightning Protection, September 14-18, Birmingham, United Kingdom, Staffordshire University, 832-835.

Taussig, H.B., 1969: "Death" from lightning and the possibility of living again. American Scientist, 57, 306-316. Ten Duis, H.J., 1998: Lightning strikes: danger overhead. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 32, 276-278.

Thomas, A.J., 1990: Deaths in Britain from the weather in 1989. The Journal of Meteorology, 15, 281-283.

Van Olst, M. D. A., 1990: Minimising lightning fatalities: Lightning earth currents in Zimbabwe. Proceedings, The First All-Africa International Symposium on Lightning, April 30-May 4, Harare, Zimbabwe, 8 pp.

Vavrek, J., R.L. Holle, and J. Allsopp, 1993: Flash to bang. The Earth Scientist, National Earth Science Teachers Association, 10, 3-8.

-, -, and -, 1993: Flash to bang. Spectrum, Illinois Science Teachers Association, 19, 21-26.

-, -, and -, 1994: Flash to bang. Reading 10, Project Earth Science: Meteorology, P.S. Smith and B.A. Ford, Editors, National Science Teachers Association, Arlington, VA, 210-219.

-, -, and -, 1994: Flash to bang=5 seconds per mile. The Hoosier Science Teacher, 19, 101-110.

-, -, and -, 1996: Time tells distance when you measure "flash to bang." Torch, US Air Force Air Education and Training Command, 3, 12-17.

-, -, and R.E. López, 1999: Updated lightning safety recommendations. Preprints, 8th Symposium on Education, January 10-15, Dallas, TX, American Meteorological Society, Boston, 58-61.

Vigansky, H.N., 1985: General summary of lightning, 1985. In: Storm Data, 27, No. 12, 37-41.

Walsh, K.M., and B. Bennett., 1996: Making a case for lightning safety policy in intercollegiate athletics. Preprints, International Lightning Detection Conference, November 4-6, Tucson, AZ, Global Atmospherics, Inc., Tucson, 3 pp.

-, 1997: When thunder rolls: Lightning on the football fields. American Football Quarterly, 3, 79.

-, M.J. Hanley, S.J. Graner, D. Beam, and J. Bazluki, 1997: A survey of lightning policy in selected Division I colleges. Journal of Athletic Training, 32, 206-210.

Wiley, S., 1998: Shocking news about lightning and pools. USA Swimming Safety Quarterly, 4, 1-2.

-, 1999: When lightning strikes. Splash, 7, 28.

Zegel, F.H., 1967: Lightning deaths in the United States: A seven-year survey from 1959 to 1965. Weatherwise, 20, 169-173, 179.

Zeh, 1989: Lightning and safety in shallow coal mines. Proceedings, 23rd International Conference on Safety in Mines Research, Washington, DC, 691-701.

Zeh, K., 1990: Lightning initiated hazards in shallow coal mines. Preprints, The First All Africa International Symposium on Lightning, Harare, Zimbabwe, April 30-May 4, 12 pp.

Zimmermann, C., 1998: Lightning & turf pros: Dangerous for life, limb and irrigation systems. Turf West, July, B6-B10.