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Mobile Instrument Timeline

Surface instruments timeline includes TOTO in the 1980's, turtles and mobile mesonets in the 1990's, second-generation turtles in the 2000's and projected stereo video turtles by 2010.

Radar includes the FM-CW radar in the mid-80s, the first Doppler on Wheels in the mid 90s, the second and third DOWs, W-band radar and SMART radars in the early 2000s and projected mobile phased array by 2010.

Ballooning timeline includes first mobile ballooning and electric field in the mid 90's, mobile ballooning and command vehicles in the 2000s, and projected unmanned aerial vehicles by 2010.

Technology includes radio transmission of data to the command vehicle in the 1990s, mobile digital network and satellite in the 2000s, and live field data via satellite by 2010.

Field programs include VORTEX from 1994-95, STEPS in 2000, IHOP in 2002, and VORTEX-11 projected in 2007-08