TORNADIC STORMS - Western Oklahoma

9 October 2001
1-minute imagery from GOES-12

Bob Rabin

    Prior to becoming operational, the newest in the series of US geostationary satellites, GOES-12, has been in a 'science test' mode during September-October 2001. The imager has improved resolution in the water vapor (6.5 micron) channel.  The imager was collecting rapid scan data during the formation of severe thunderstorms in western Oklahoma. These storms produced several tornadoes, one of which which hit Cordell, Oklahoma. The rapid scan data provided images at 1 to 5 minute intervals.

    In these close up views, the visible images have been magnified 2 times. The loops are centered on the moving frame of reference of the storm:

Visible loop 1 : (2123-2242 UTC)

Visible loop 2 : (2245-2353 UTC)

    These images cover a larger region which includes most of the cluster of storms. They are not magnified and are centered near the location of initial storm development.

 Visible loop 3 : (2123-2242 UTC)

 Visible loop 4 : (2245-2353 UTC)

    The following loops contain infrared imagery from several channels:

 Window channel (10.7 microns) loop 1 : (2123-2242 UTC)

 Window channel (10.7 microns) loop 2 : (2245-2353 UTC)

 Water vapor (6.5 microns) loop 1 : (2123-2242 UTC)

 Water vapor (6.5 microns) loop 2 : (2245-2353 UTC)

 Near IR (3.9 microns) loop 1 : (2123-2242 UTC)

 Near IR (3.9 microns) loop 2 : (2245-2353 UTC)

 Dirty window (13.3 microns) loop 1 : (2123-2242 UTC)

 Dirty window (13.3 microns) loop 2 : (2245-2353 UTC)

 Window - dirty window (10.7-13.3 microns) loop 1 : (2123-2242 UTC)

 Window - dirty window (10.7-13.3 microns) loop 2 : (2245-2353 UTC)

 Window - water vapor (10.7-6.5 microns) loop 1 : (2123-2242 UTC)

 Window - water vapor (10.7-6.5 microns) loop 2 : (2245-2353 UTC)

    It is interesting to note that the brightness temperature difference (10.7 - 6.5 microns) is positive over the thunderstorm tops. Values range from 6-7 K near the back edge of the clouds to 1-2 K downwind of the overshooting tops. The difference appears to have the opposite sign as would be expected from previous studies using METEOSAT (Schmetz et al., 1997). The brightness temperature in the water vapor band was often observed to be warmer (by as much as 6-8 K) than in the window band above cold top convective clouds. This observation was explained by stratospheric water vapor which emits radiation at higher stratospheric temperatures than the emitted radiation at cloud top. Their results suggested that the magnitude of the difference in brightness temperature depends on the lapse rate above the tropopause. Moreover, the greatest differences are expected when cloud tops are located at the tropopause.
    In light of the METEOSAT observations, the possibility of a differential error in calibration between the two channels should be considered. The GOES-12 measurements can be compared to GOES-8 in Table 1.  The (10.7 - 6.5 microns) difference is positive for both GOES-12 and GOES-8, however, the magnitudes are about 2 K less for GOES-8. If we were to consider a bias of several degrees and subtract it from differences of both satellites, the results are physically similar to those of Schmetz et al., 1997.
   The greatest differences exist over the widespread anvil (which presumably is near the tropopause height). They also occur on a smaller scale just downwind of overshooting tops where additional water vapor would be entrained into the stratosphere. The smallest differences exist above some of the coldest (presumably, higher than the tropopause). If, on the contrary, bias errors are not significant, than an alternate hypothesis is in order.

Schmetz, J., S.A. Tjemkes, M. Gube, L. van de Berg, 1997: Monitoring deep convection and convective overshooting with METEOSAT. Adv. Space Res., Vol. 19, No. 3, pp433-441.



    Note that to animate the full time period requires the download of 53 images. It may take a while before the movie is set up and ready to run, depending on network speed & the amount of memory available to your computer.  The loops use a  Java Applet  written by Tom Whittaker at the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies ( CIMSS ) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

    Choose from the entries in Table 1 to compare individual bands and brightness temperature differences at indicated times (UTC). GOES-12, GOES-8 comparisons are available at times indicated in bold/italics.

Table 1
