GOES  4-km Simulated visible imagery: NSSL-WRF

Rapid generation using a Statistical Approximation

(trained with data from forward scattering model: Jason Otkin and Tom Greenwald2

Robert Rabin1, V. Laksmanan3



Flash based applications used for interactive animations were developed by Tom Whittaker of the Space Science and Engineering Center  SSEC, University of Wisconsin-Madison. 

Table 1Hourly daytime visible images based on latest 00 UTC forecast run

Surface albedo background
NDVI background

Table 2. Overlays of 1hr QPF and total column cloud water, rain, ice and snow

12-30hr forecast (12UTC day1-06UTC day2)
Background: Visible
Background: ABI window channel (11 micron)
24-30hr forecast (00UTC day2-12UTC day2)
Background: Visible
Background: ABI window channel (11 micron)

Table 3
. Image comparison from forward scattering model imagery and statistical approximation

18 UTC 22 UTC


Disclaimer. The products from GOES or other satellites shown here are experimental. These have been generated within a research environment and are not intended to be considered operational. Timeliness, availability, and accuracy are sought but not guaranteed.

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Last update was 27 May 2010. Feedback.