[1]Tennekes, H., 1988: Numerical weather prediction: Illusions of security, tales of imperfection. Weather, 43, 165-170.

[2]McIntyre, M. E., 1988: Numerical weather prediction: A vision of the future. Weather, 43, 294-298.

[3]The quote here is almost certainly not exact and its origins are not completely clear. Even though it is most often attributed anonymously, I believe I have at least once seen it attributed to the physicist D. F. J. Arago (1786-1853), who's most widely known for major contributions in the field of optics, particularly the early development of the wave theory of light. If anyone has more information that they could pass along, I would be deeply grateful.

[4]Richardson, L. F., 1922: Weather Prediction by Numerical Process, Cambridge Univ. Press. (Reprinted in 1965 by Dover Publications, New York.)

[5]It is worth noting in passing that even the most sophisticated current NWP models do not actually forecast sensible weather. Rather, the model state is used to infer conditions associated with sensible weather.

[6]Petterssen, S., 1956: Weather Analysis and Forecasting (2nd Ed.), McGraw-Hill, New York

[7]I emphasize that I am not saying that humans will have no role in forecasting. Rather, the role will be different than it is now. Implications of that for education and training will be discussed elsewhre.