The scripts work with the 5.4 release of GEMPAK. They were written in 1998. These scripts are somewhat like Brad Colman's ez scripts or Russ Schneider's scripts in that they use restore files so that you can create images on the fly. I will be updating these scripts with the next release of GEMPAK with NMAP. Also, once I get AWIPS (March 1999), I hope to recreate many of the scripts there as well. But, having not worked with AWIPS, I have no idea how easy this will be. I have written up documentation in WP8.0 that help the a person use them. I will be zipping everything up and sending them to Dave Schultz. Since the files are small, I could also e-mail you a copy of them as well with instruction on installing them on the SAC. There is also a Word Perfect 8.0 file that contains instructions and descriptions of each script. The idea of the scripts is that apply the methodology by looking for instability, lift and moisture. So there are both cross-sections and plan maps that look at frontogenesis, EPV, PV advection and d(thes)/dp as well as RH. A couple of notes. All of the EPV should be calculated to look for CSI (using theta-es). I also changed all the captions to the figures. You may want to check them out just to be sure. Unfortunately, the instructions were written in WP8.0 in Grand Forks and we only have WP6.1 down here. All the instructions say theta-E instead of theta-es. We are going to get WP8.0 soon but if you hand out the scripts you may want to change the instructions to say theta-es instead of theta-e so that we are consistent. If you don't have WP8.0, I can send you photocopies of the instructions. -Phil Schumacher 10/19/98